Branding Buzz3 EXTREMELY Helpful Business Tips

3 EXTREMELY Helpful Business Tips

Lately…I have been on a book reading binge. I love scribbling notes down and tying concepts together. I also wanted to pull together some common points I’ve seen appearing in multiple sources (along with my own interpretation) to make it a little bit more easy to use.

Check out these 3 major areas that are great rituals to keep applying consistently:

1. Get out of the “land of the hypotheticals” 

      •Don’t get stuck into a vacuum of “what if’s”

      •Interact with customers as well as potential customers from your market 

      •The most accurate customer data is real data 

2. Learn the difference between assumptions and perceptions 

     •If you put out a new campaign or product make sure you are doing the work to find out what is the customer’s actual perception 

     •Do test groups or open appropriate channels for product feedback 

     •Be bold enough to ask opinions

3. Test Your Marketing Messaging 

     •Is it effective?

     •Does it need updating or shifting? 

     •If so does the shifting need to be small or big?


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